A group of teachers standing in front of a change the story presentation after meeting with CTLG consulting.

We Change The Story.

Transforming Education, Changing Stories. Empowering educators with research-driven practices to turn I can’t into I can.

A picture of the math workshop book on the left and Skip Tyler the coauther of math workshop book holding the book on the right.

We Transform Classrooms.

Implement practical approaches from Math Workshop to enhance math instruction.

We Teach Teachers.

Professional learning tailored to teacher needs and focused on ready-to-use strategies and content, active learning, collaboration and communication, modeling effective practices, and more.

We Build Leaders.

Leadership development focused on improving core issues of teaching and learning and school improvement.

We Support Students.

Structures, strategies, processes, and resources to support teaching and learning in mathematics, science, and content-specific literacy.

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Student Achievement

We model proven strategies that teachers and school leaders can implement to enhance student motivation and achievement for ALL students.

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Content Alignment

Whether it is curriculum design, pedagogy, or math/science best practices, we tailor our professional development to meet your specific needs and goals.

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Student Engagement

We share evidence-based strategies that build classroom communities, address social-emotional learning, and boost academic results for ALL students.

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Leadership Development

We provide professional learning to school leaders using job-embedded coaching or workshops focused on shared leadership structures and data-based decision making.

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Instructional Best Practices

We provide services that build the capacity of teachers, schools, and districts by focusing on the use of effective, research-based instructional practices to engage and motivate all learners.

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Program Development

We provide strategic support for the development of foundational or innovative programs. We also provide support for program improvement of key district and school programs.

Our Mission:

Empowering teachers, leaders, and districts to experience continuous improvement through sustained professional learning and support.

Young girl with a book on her head

Our Mission:

Empowering teachers, leaders, and districts to experience continuous improvement through sustained professional learning and support.

Young girl with a book on her head
Young girl with a book on her head

Our Mission:

Empowering teachers, leaders, and districts to experience continuous improvement through sustained professional learning and support.

What We Do

Our CTLG consultants meet with you to collaboratively develop a professional learning plan that is tailored to your school division’s needs. We want to share our knowledge and expertise and provide ongoing support to ensure success.

View our services to see all of the ways we can take your professional learning plans to the next level!

We Change the Story.

Change is hard. When it comes to education, changing instructional practices is even harder! We know the challenges associated with planning and teaching a classroom full of students with diverse and varying abilities. How are we as educators tweaking our instruction to meet the needs of ALL students?

Let us help you #ChangeTheStory!

I cannot say enough about CTLG Consultants Eric Rhoades and Skip Tyler. Their professionalism, expertise, and dedication to our teachers and students are phenomenal and have truly made a difference in our middle school. The teachers have worked to develop aligned lessons/activities and reflect on current instructional practices to ensure we make the most of every minute. Professional development sessions have focused on providing meaningful feedback to students and teachers and developing hands-on, engaging lessons for students, leaving teachers and administrators feeling empowered and better equipped to serve our students. We are looking forward to our continued partnership and are thankful that we are changing the story for math and science at DMS!
Carly Woolfolk Headshot.

Carly T. Woolfolk

Director of Secondary Education and CTE
Dinwiddie County Public Schools
Dinwiddie, Virginia